Dear Editor,
The Reign of Terror was a terrible and scary time. It was a time when Robespierre declared terror as the "order of the day" and during it 30,000 people lost their lives.
I believe that the Reign of Terror was a terrifying time to live in in France because you couldn't speak your mind. If you said anything even somewhat disapproving of the revolution, you could easily be arrested and executed. We are lucky to live in America in the 21st century where we are allowed free speech, however not every place is like that, and at that time the French definitely didn't have that opportunity, for they lived in a constant state of fear that they could be executed for anything they said.
Another reason why I think that the Reign of Terror was a scary time to live in is that it wasn't nobles who were getting arrested and killed, but ordinary people. This I believe must have increased the fear that no one could be safe. It also probably made people to be more cautious of what they said and did.
The Reign of Terror was horrifying, unnerving, and terrible, and I think that those who were harmed during it didn't deserve what happened to them.
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